Strategic communications consultant

providing bespoke services to organisations driven by purpose and big ideas.

Whether you need …

  • A fast, strategic and experienced extra pair of hands

  • A curious mind who brings fresh ideas to the table

  • Someone with extensive knowledge of the media 

  • A great writer who works quickly and accurately

  • An honest, responsive and collaborative partner

We’ll create a partnership that fits your specific needs.

What we can achieve together:

Media strategy to amplify.

  • Identifying and crafting your newsworthy stories so they grab the attention of the media.

  • Developing clear messages and a compelling narrative.

  • Assisting with creating valuable assets (videos, photos and words) to bolster the story you want to tell.

  • Empowering you, or your team, to perform well in media interviews with theoretical and practical training.

Content writing to articulate.

  • Creating conversation-shaping content to feed your media relations strategy (think op-eds, articles and case studies).

  • Writing and/or managing key content projects (think annual reports and magazines).

  • Working on other communications initiatives, like websites, speeches or videos, to capture what you’re all about and inspire action.

How we can work together:

When you work with Hydora Lane Communications, you work with me —
Helen Dehen.

And we’ll create a way of working together that suits your specific needs, goals and timelines.


Working on a retainer basis means I’ll get to know your business better and be able to provide results every month.

(Hint: the outcomes only get better over time …)


This option will focus on a key communication project with set deliverables. It could be a media strategy, or annual report or magazine.

(Love the outcome? Let’s do it again.)


This could mean me working with your comms team for a period of time (for instance, keeping you covered while a staff member is away.)

(Enjoying working together? Let’s make it more regular with a retainer. You get the idea!)

  • “Helen’s deep knowledge of international current affairs, her extensive media contacts and her ability to sell a story were all invaluable.”

    Lisa Upton – Australia for UNHCR

  • “Helen produces work of outstanding quality, and works quickly and accurately. She approaches all her work with curiosity and enthusiasm.”

    Lisa Dowdall – Australia for UNHCR

It’s great you have questions …

  • International development and aid, and sustainability are key areas I have experience in and get excited about working on - but I’m very open to discussing projects in other subject areas as well.

    While my clients can work in different fields, they all have one main thing in common. They are driven by a purpose, not just profit.

  • It really depends how we’re working together, as day rates will differ from retainer and project fees.

    Feel free to get in touch with a few details about your project so I can give you a better idea of costs.

  • While I can come on board to do smaller projects, over a number of days, I feel my best work comes when I partner with you over a longer period of time.

    That way, I can truly get to understand your organisation and provide greater value.

  • This depends on the week or the month, so it’s worth touching base to see how I’m placed.

    If you have a big project you need help with, I recommend getting in touch as soon as you can so I’m able to put aside the appropriate amount of time especially for you.

  • Tuesdays and Wednesdays are my regular client-facing days and are the best days for meetings.

    Friday is generally kept for focussed work on client projects.

    Mondays and Thursdays are typically reserved for precious time with my preschooler twins, however these days can sometimes be made available with advance notice.

  • This is probably the most common question I get asked and the answer is no (even though the jobs often sound so tempting.)

    I have filled in though while full-timers are on holidays, or organisations are looking to find a full-timer.

  • Sydney, Australia - but I also love working with clients in other parts of the country (or the world, if the shoe fits.)

    The majority of my work is done from my own office, but I also love meeting up with clients face to face, where required or possible.

  • Step number one is to touch base, either by sending me an email or booking in a call.

    I’ll be able to let you know if I have capacity to help in the required timeframe and whether my skillset matches up with what you need.

    If we’re both happy, we’ll come up with a customised plan to work together.

Let’s start the conversation.

I’d love to hear about your project and how I may be able to help.